(Dynamic Purchasing System)

 Construction, repair, maintenance and improvement
works, supplies and services

and all associated works, supplies and services

This Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) is for contracting authorities throughout the UK as a procurement route to deliver single or multi-site projects, programmes or term contract in relation to both planned and responsive minor works in the construction, repair, maintenance and improvement of both housing and non-housing. 

Key features:

From long list to short list

We enable suppliers to control & define their service offering, so buyers can control & create manageable short lists

Project assignment: the 'dynamic open' model

This DPS can also be used in tandem with B2G frameworks. If a significant part of a project may be sub-contracted, the framework supplier may assign it in whole or part to their approved/specialist contractor registered on the DPS, who then contracts with the client under the DPS and delivers the project.

It complements our flat roofing framework, where the supplier's full system is installed by their approved contractor, who is better suited to contract directly with the client, but the system supplier remains closely involved throughout, from pre-installation design to post-project warranty

It also complements our pitched & solar roofing framework, where the pitched roofing contractor can manage and deliver the roofing programme, but the solar PV elements can be assigned to an RE technology specialist better suited to handle the design and grid connectivity.

Historically suppliers and contractors had to form a consortium in advance of a framework bid, which is cumbersome and time consuming to assemble, and limits the potential for clients to select the most suitable contractor when a project actually arises.

Our approach, assures optimum efficiency and compliance from procurement through delivery, and enables clients to bind both system supplier and contractor in the delivery of the project.

If you want your budget spent on property, not procurement, B2G offers compliant, cost effective procurement routes.

Click here for a current list of DPS registrants.

Buyers: Please contact us for more information and/or download the project registration form from this website. 

Suppliers Please email tenders@b2g.services to obtain the registration documents. You may register at any time.


assures compliance and build quality

Asset Class:

Both housing and non-housing

Project Size:

From single smaller site to complex multi-site projects, programmes and term contracts

Work Type:

The delivery of construction, repair, maintenance and improvement works, supplies and services including:

For more details about the specification, which also addresses project control and on-site performance as well as applicable Codes of Practice, please contact a member of the B2G team or our appointed suppliers.

Social Value

community benefit comes as standard

As a requirement for being appointed to the framework every bidder confirmed their willingness to deliver all the measures set out in the Considerate Constructors Scheme's Social Value Checklist which, depending on the size and nature of the Project and the needs of the local community, might include:

Local employment

Full & part time; apprenticeships; work experience

Supply chain

Local sub-contractors, suppliers, social enterprises, NGOs & charities

Supplies & equipment

Locally manufactured; reused or recycled; or sustainably sourced 

Community engagement

Educational (eg. engaging with local schools & colleges etc); social (eg. engaging with local clubs & charities etc); or environmental (eg. litter patrol & work parties etc)


proven capability, nationwide

This DPS is a single lot covering all parts of the UK

Within this, suppliers can restrict their area of focus, and buyers can use those suppliers' preferences to restrict invitations. The criteria to determine capability may include, but not be limited to, technical performance, past performance, ability to deliver the project within the required timescale due to workload, geographic capability and or financial standing at the time of the project, or supplier preferences recorded and maintained by B2G with regards to project value and or location and or work type and or third party accreditations held by the Supplier. 

Naturally, suppliers select the specialism for which they wish to be considered (and have provided references and certification etc) as follow:

Contractor, manufacturer & service delivery work types:

Structural repairs (incl. RAAC)

Flat Roofing

Pitched Roofing

RE Technologies (incl Solar, Biomass, Geothermal and Hydropower)




Doors - External

Doors - Fire

Doors - Communal entrance & security

Kitchens - Domestic

Kitchens - Commercial


Modular Buildings & Classrooms

Disability Adaptations

MEP (installations)



Fire Safety

Gas Safety

Asbestos Removal & Remediation (incl. CLASP buildings)

Water Hygiene

Painting & Decorating



Drainage & Flood Protection






Waste Collection & Disposal

Consultancy work types:


Asset Management (incl. investment, strategy & funding)

Estates & Facilities Management (EFM)

Programme & Project Management

Procurement & Bid Management

Cost Management / Quantity Surveyors

Clerk of Works


Principal Designer 


Interior Designer

Landscape Architect




MEP (design)


Sustainability & Decarbonisation

Security & Safeguarding

Fire Safety

Gas Safety

Water Safety

Asbestos Inspections


IT Infrastructure


Active regions:

Suppliers select the region/s in which they should be considered 'active', and may update their preferences at any time. To minimise carbon footprints and optimise procurement efficiency, Buyers may restrict invitations to Suppliers who are 'active' in region/s where services will be delivered, and Suppliers may decline Buyer invitations to deliver services in regions where the Supplier is not 'active'. Notwithstanding the above, Buyers retain the right to invite and contract with any Supplier to deliver services anywhere in the 'lot' (ie. the UK), and Suppliers retain the right to deliver services for any Buyer anywhere in the 'lot' (ie. the UK).  

England - North East

England - Yorks & Humber

England - North West

England - West Midlands

England - East Midlands

England - East Anglia

England - London Boroughs

England - South East

England - South West

Wales - North (& Mid)

Wales - South (& Mid)

Scotland - West & South

Scotland - East & Borders

Scotland - North East

Scotland - Highlands & Islands

Northern Ireland

Contract value:

Suppliers select the maximum and minimum contract value they would wish to bid for (the 'ceiling' and 'floor') and may update their preferences at any time. To optimise procurement efficiency for all parties, Buyers may restrict invitations to Suppliers whose preferences match the anticipated value of the call off project.

Project assignment:

If a Project is awarded under a B2G framework and a significant part of the Project is to be sub-contracted to a specialist/contractor/installer who is on a pre-approved list of the framework supplier, and who is also registered on this DPS, then to optimise efficiency in both procurement and delivery of the Project, the B2G framework supplier may assign the Project or part thereof and the Buyer may contract directly with the assignee Supplier to deliver those works, supplies and or services under the auspices of the framework supplier and compliant with the specification, standards and regulations set out in the framework documents.

Call Off Process

flexible and efficient

Buyers can award a contract to any supplier confident they will deliver to a quality that meets or exceeds all regulations and standards, and in full support of the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012.


The Buyer registers the project with B2G 


Option 1 - Mini-Competition: In accordance with Clause 54 of the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 buyers run a restricted procedure, inviting all eligible and capable suppliers registered on the DPS where the criteria to determine capability may include, but not be limited to, technical performance, past performance, ability to deliver the project within the required timescale due to workload, geographic capability and or financial standing at the time of the project, or supplier preferences recorded and maintained by B2G with regards to project value and or location and or work type and or third party accreditations held by the Supplier. 

Option 2 - Assignment: If a Project is awarded under a B2G framework and a significant part of the Project is to be sub-contracted to a Supplier registered on this DPS, then to optimise efficiency in both procurement and delivery of the Project, the B2G framework supplier may assign the Project or part thereof and the Buyer may contract directly with the assignee Supplier to deliver those works, supplies and or services under the auspices of the framework supplier and compliant with the specification, standards and regulations set out in the framework documents. 


The Buyer contracts the Supplier using their preferred form of contract, which may be one of the JCT/SBCC, NEC or PPC/FAC/TAC suites of contracts or the Buyer’s modified version, or any other standard form of contract or Pre-Contract Service Agreements (PCSA)  used by the construction industry.


The Supplier delivers the project according to the agreed terms and KPIs, and B2G monitors the project.

Key Data

Official publication numbers

CN: FTS # 2022/S 000-033097 


Construction and RMI works, supplies and services



Start date

22 November 2022


12 months, auto-renewable, until B2G serves notice



45000000 Construction work; 


35120000 - Surveillance and security systems and devices

45000000 - Construction work

50700000 - Repair and maintenance services of building installations

71200000 - Architectural and related services

71300000 - Engineering services

71500000 - Construction-related services

71800000 - Consulting services for water-supply and waste consultancy

90510000 - Refuse disposal and treatment

90520000 - Radioactive-, toxic-, medical- and hazardous waste services

90710000 - Environmental management

90911000 - Accommodation, building and window cleaning services

90914000 - Car park cleaning services

90919000 - Office, school and office equipment cleaning services

90920000 - Facility related sanitation services


UK - United Kingdom


A levy of 1% is payable on all call off project invoices. There are no other management fees.

Contracting Authority

Gold Hill Housing Association (National registration # IP17437R)

DPS Manager

B2G Ltd for and on behalf of GHHA (Company registration # 12271806)

Buyer eligibility

Any publicly funded organisation and or contracting authority in the United Kingdom as defined by the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 including but not limited to any central government department, agency, devolved administration and or national/non-departmental public body or any local authority, unitary authority, or subsidiary or joint-venture vehicle of a local or unitary authority, or any arms-length management organisation or council owned company, or any school, college, university, education trust or authority, or any transport authority or service provider, or any health authority, council, board or trust, or any police, fire, rescue or emergency service, or any housing association, registered social landlord or tenant management organisation or any registered charity may access B2G frameworks and dynamic purchasing systems as a Buyer, as may any private sector organisation, particularly those established by public sector organisations to deliver public services.


Above all we aim to assure proven competence. Each section of the bid document is scored separately:


For information about the suppliers registered on this DPS click here.